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Friday, October 26, 2018

Serenity II Life Skills and Dynamics Magnifying Your Identity and Owning It November 10th - Pathway To Owning You Home

A year or so ago, we first met Priscilla Agnew.  Priscilla is a community organizer who's mission is to provide people with the skills and confidence needed to see the potential in themselves and get past barriers in their lives that are the perceived things that hold them back.  so often, it's only what's in our mind that creates a barrier and Priscilla brings together the people and organizations to help jump those hurdles.

There's an event coming up November 10th at Fricano's on Muskegon Lake all about her endeavors.  It's called Magnifying Your Identity and Owning It.  It's a free event and you'll find resources for empowerment, overcoming hindrance, gaining knowledge and getting back what might have been lost.  There will be a special keynote speaker on shifting hardships and identifying your dreams and vision.  A big part of anyone's dreams and vision would be home ownership and that's what Priscilla has brought our group together today for.
See Muskegon Affordable Luxury Homes on Facebook

Imagine if you will the possibility of home ownership.  Putting an end to rent and the feeling that comes with owning your home.  It's not as difficult as you think and even if you are of the mindset that you can't because of a credit score or what's available out there, the answers are here.  It's a big step, that's for sure, but it's also very much a community building endeavor a source of pride and a chance to earn on you investment.  The bottomless pit of rent is done and you can step into a better place than you figured.  It's possible with who you'll hear in our talk today.  You owning a home is very much a reality no matter where you are on the income spectrum and you could actually save money by owning.
Contact Marisol Garcia Linstrom 
Watch the video and see Priscilla again, she's got the details on the event coming up at Fricano's and her organization Serenity II.  Bobby Sisk is a home builder with Muskegon Affordable Luxury Homes.  He find houses that need to be rehabbed, guts them goes to work from the ground up and makes them new.  New mechanical's, flooring, paint, wiring...whatever it needs the TLC goes in and it's a turn key home for you to walk into for less than you'll pay in rent in most cases.  Finally, Marisol Garcil Linstrom.  Marisol is a Norton Shores gal with an office in Grand Haven for Northpointe Bank.  She's got the took kit to put you on the path to get you the keys to one of these homes and can help you understand the value in the investment, and what's best...she can help you fix anything that stands in your way.  Take a listen to our discussion...

It might seem like the impossible, but it's true.  There are people out there working very hard to help rebuild every corner of Muskegon and the people in it.  If you are out for some emboldening of yourself, make sure you attend Priscilla's event on November 10th at Fricano's.  Those barriers you see and feel might just be a figment of your imagination.  If you think that it's time for you to take the next step and make yourself a home owner as opposed to a renter...now's the time.  The exuberant feeling of renewal is everywhere in Muskegon right now and all you have to do is jump on the bandwagon.   For more on the Life Skills and Dynamics event click on the logo below to visit their event page.

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