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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ballet Nepantla at the Frauenthal Center September 18th - Experience Latino Culture in Muskegon

After a hugely successful first time Latino Festival event at Hackley Park this last weekend, the Latinos Working for the Future have their sails full and are so encouraged by the reception they received at the event, they are ready to spread the cultural experience a little further in Muskegon with a wonderful ballet at the Frauenthal Center on September 18th.  Not only is it a rich experience of music and dance, it's an educational opportunity for up to 1000 kids who can get in free for the show.

Let's go back a little first.  The Latinos Working for the Future is an organization that's been around a while, but recently the leadership of the group has gotten a little younger....a little more focused on spreading the word and a little more "outfront" about wanting to show the community just how remarkable who they are and what they bring to all of us culturally.  The success of the festival in the park celebrating the food, dance and music was just the tip of the iceberg from the group.  They are young, energetic and out to do more.

Latinos Working for the Future on Facebook
Up next, will be a first time presentation in Muskegon for a ballet!  Ballet Nepantla will be presented at the Frauenthal Center.  From their Facebook Event Page - "Ballet Nepantla dancers are trained in classical and contemporary ballet and merged with ballet Folklorico, the traditional dance of Mexico.

Nepantla is a term/idea that comes from the Nahuatl language. It means to be in a space of "in-between-ness.” Gloria Anzaldúa described being in a state of Nepantla in Borderlands (1987), and in Light in the Dark (2016) as a cultural and historical place of ambiguity. Nepantla is also an artistic space of "in-between-ness," as Ballet Nepantla dramatically represents. In a pithy sense, it is what la India María humorously stated, when describing her own identity: "no soy ni de aquí, ni de allá." Indeed, she was in a state of Nepantla. That is the reality many grow up with in South Texas, and many who grow up in places everywhere.

Ballet Nepantla delves into those in-between spaces through its dance performances. In October 2019, the company will be performing its new show, "Valentina," in several South Texas locations. “Valentina" is a historical ballet that tells the stories of the strength and resilience of women during Revolutionary Mexico. Ballet Nepantla would like to present “Valentina” to a Michigan audience. "

I met up with Ana Olson from Latinos Working for the Future at the Frauenthal Center to talk about the organization and the ballet and how the 1000 kids can attend free, take a listen.

Jump right in!  Take the kids for free and help support a group on the move to help show us the rich culture of Latino Heritage and experience something beautiful while you are at it!  The success of the Latino Festival, followed up by the ballet coming soon and the drive and passion behind the Latinos Working for the Future will be an asset to all of us in Muskegon.  Help support their efforts by checking out the show!  Click on the pic below to get tickets!

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