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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Muskegon Area Nurse Honor Guard - A New Way to Remember Those Who Have Served


We've been through a lot and we've seen things that we'd never imagined both in real life and on the news.  What were here talking about today transcends any of the current struggles we have seen and is coming to Muskegon County through a group of volunteers who saw the need individually and then as they made inquires, found out they were not alone in what they were trying to get started.  A way to remember those who took the nursing oath, that lasts a lifetime.  

It stems back to the Nightingale Pledge that nurses take and it reads like this - " I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug."  This is a lifetime commitment and coming from a household where my mom and aunt were nurses as were most of their friends, they don't take this lightly.  Dr's take the Hippocratic Oath, this is the nurses equivalent.  It's a life dedicated to hard work, in difficult circumstances and quite often working with people at their most vulnerable moment.  We've all seen the optics over the last year one way or another, and if you've never had the good fortune of being in the care of a nurse, 1) count your blessings and 2) trust me when I tell you, it's no job for the faint hearted.

Well, from that lifelong commitment, when a nurse comes to the end of their life, there's an Honor Guard who attend the services to remember and revere them for their work and care given to others.  There are groups all over the country and the Grand Rapids chapter tried to get to Muskegon when called upon in the past, but as it's working out, those few who had it in the back of their mind here in town have come together to form their own Muskegon chapter and we're all about that.  It's proof once again that in Muskegon, we ALWAYS find a way.  This group is not affiliated with any one health system or Dr's practice, this is all on their own time much like an Honor Guard for Military or Police and their time and dedication is given out of love and respect to their fallen brothers and sisters at the end of their watch. 

Kimberlee Mason is a nurse here in the area.  She's also a teacher at MCC for their nursing program and she brought this new group to my attention so we could help spread the word for her on both their seeking new nurse members as well as maybe some that could help cover some of the minimal costs for the items of honor and remembrance that are given to the family of the nurse they are there to honor.  I am going to tell you up front, that I got a pretty substantial lump in my throat while we talked, and you might too.  Take a listen. 

It's a life not cut out for most and those who do go into nursing, there is so much needed by way of giving them thanks for all they do under the pressure and conditions they work in.  The day to day of life comes and goes for most of us, and that's the way it's sposed to be, but think of the immediate action, compassion and care you find the minute you need a nurse in their full capacity.  They really are front line protectors and we are incredibly lucky to have them there for our care when we need them.  To learn more about the Muskegon Area Nurse Honor Guard please click on the image below to visit their Facebook page to join them or help if you can.

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