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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

2020 Continues to Give - Free Mental Health Help from Services of Hope in Muskegon


I'm willing to bet that at some point in the last 10 months, there has been a moment or two where you've felt the need to drop to your knees and give in.  "I can't take it anymore" has been heard far and wide and as we look back over all we've been through, there's really no escaping it.  For some, that's the kind of mental state they live in day after day.  Life is hard, life gets harder and in a year when there really are no answers, life can be unbearable.  Mental health, there is still a stigma.

It's a little more top of mind for everyone this year, mental health.  What we've seen and been put through could be equated to trying to get a sip of water out of a fire hose.  We've seen friends and family split over politics.  We've seen people struggle over finances and work.  We've worried about friends and neighbors, we've worried about health and procedure.  We've worried about who's right and wrong and we've worried at the end of the day about ourselves.  There's no shame in needing to take care of you...because without you...none of those mentioned before that you care so deeply for, well, without you...they are really all lost.  You are needed.  You are the key to your world and all those in it and we're thankful you're here! 

We all know the holiday's can be stressful too.  This time of year evokes a lot of emotion to begin with and 2020 presents a series of challenges unique to itself.  Do you stay home and stay safe?  Do you celebrate traditionally?  Do you Zoom your get together?  Add all of that to what some already go through during the holidays, like too many houses to visit, which relatives will feel disappointed if you don't make it, work, life, money....it's adding up again isn't it?  Stop.  There's help. 

To begin with, let's be open.  I am 17 years sober.  I wouldn't be 17 years sober without an absolutely incredible counsellor who helped me navigate the first 3 years after I quit drinking.  She helped me heal everything within that's made me who I am today, which is perfectly flawed and able to understand what's broke, what's fixed and where I can find ways to keep things working properly.  Jane was sent to me as a final gift for living through the hell of addiction and her loving guidance made me into the son, husband, step parent, "geepa" and human I am today.  Why the story?  Well, it's to let you know that no one can go this alone and there is no shame whatsoever in asking for help.  I consider this life a miracle now, and it took work to get here, and it takes work and willingness to give it all away to keep it.  I want that for you too. 

Services of Hope Online

Now, that first step.  Ask.  Don't know who to ask?  That's why we're here today.  Services of Hope is a counselling center in Muskegon and they have been given a grant to help out a great number of people who are willing to ask.  They have funding to get you started with some free visits with telehealth or any kind of digital platform for the moment.  Yes, it's a matter of safety to begin.  You doo need to register soon and do a little orientation before the 30th though, it's a grant that came in quick and has to be used quick, so act on it.

Jax Bliss is part of the staff at Services of Hope and she sent a message today wondering if we could help spread the word, and what better gift could we possibly give than helping someone past their darkest hour in a year filled with them.  Take a listen.

Let's go over it again. No one can do it alone and there's no shame in asking.  Mental health is real, it's important to maintain and the first step for you is being offered right here and now.  Reach out and ask is all you have to do and the first three visits won't cost you a penny.  231-722-7980 is the number.  We wish you happiness, health and a much better 2021 for all.  

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