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Monday, April 9, 2018

Celebrate The Kentucky Derby With Hats and Horses to Benefit Pioneer Resources May 5th

 I am going to start off the story with a history lesson.  Class, pay attention.  Pioneer Resources was founded all the way back in the late 1940's by a group of parents and teachers providing special education and therapy.  In 1955 then became a 501c3 charity and have grown ever since.  How did I know all that?  Well, I was reading it on the other tab, plus, I did do a story on it and everything, BUT I did want you to know, they are a lot more than cool buses you see all over town.

What's awesome about Pioneer Resources is not only the rich history of truly being caring and great people, they have grown and evolved with the times.  People with special needs really want to be like anyone else.  They want independence.  They want dignity.  They want to learn, live grow and play...some may need a hand here or there, some may need a different educational approach, some might need some special accommodations around the house, but at the end of the day, we all want the same things.  Pioneer Resources works to help proved just all of those things and more every day in Muskegon.  They are a true asset to the community.

There are a wide variety of services offered.  Pioneer Resources has a pretty deep reach into helping better the lives of the clients they serve.  Autism programs, community living support, transportation, Pioneer Trails's a lot of things they do.  One of the latest is in the process of happening right now, and I was pretty excited to be invited down to come and tell you about it.  On Mill Iron Road, a brand new residence is going up.  It's a 6 bedroom home that they plan to open for 6 new residents this Summer.  It's part of the "Make a House a Home" project going on.  A grant took care of the house for the most part, now, it's time to finish it off.   That's where the fun begins.
Get Tickets to Hats and Horses

May 5th there's going to be a Hat's and Horses party at The Lake House Downtown Muskegon.  It's all centered around the Kentucky Derby and you are encouraged to do it up with a little pomp and circumstance.  Get out the fancy hats, dress it up and enjoy a julep.  Enjoy some games and a fun ways to get a square on the race and enjoy a delicious dinner done up by one of the best kitchen staff's in town.  Tickets are available if you click on the image over to the right.  I was joined by Jill Bonthuis of Pioneer resources and her husband Alan who's been helping on the fundraising for this new house to talk a little more about this great event.  Take a listen to our talk below!

You know what I love?  I love the fact Pioneer Resources was built by the community.  Is sustained by the community and has grown in our community.  This group is everything Positively Muskegon is about and they were here long before we came along!  Pioneer Resources is doing amazing things, for amazing people and hey, if you're looking for a way to enjoy a night at the races in style, look no further than The Lake House May 5th for Hats and Horses.  To learn more about Pioneer Resources, click on the photo below.

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