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Sunday, July 30, 2017

The North American Indian Exhibit At the Muskegon Museum of Art Ends September 10th

A little over a year ago, we started telling you about a big endeavor happening at the Muskegon Museum of Art called The North American Indian by Edward S Curtis.  Well, it's hard to believe that in a little over a month the exhibit is going to close and if you've not seen it, I am here to tell you, you are going to regret it.

September 10th is the end of this incredible show that no one has ever done before and might never happen again.  It's been unique to Muskegon and the history lesson is incredible.

Muskegon Museum of Art on Facebook
Beginning in the early 1900's Edward S. Curtis photographed the Native American people and their culture like no one else.  He was a very accomplished photographer and set out to capture the people and their lifestyle.  He collected the photo's, wax recordings, stories, traditions and trust of the people and luckily, a librarian in Muskegon had the foresight to subscribe to his work.  Today, it's not know if all 20 volumes of his books are held anywhere else.  It's also not known if all 723 of his portraits have ever been displayed anywhere together.  This is truly a masterpiece of history right here in Muskegon.

You have until September 10th to see this exhibit for yourself.  You honestly owe it to yourself and your kids to go see this.  I might be sounding preachy...but my first glimpse of this was when I went to tape this story ad I was literally floored.  The beauty of the people.  The sounds of their voices.  the nature in which they lived and the surroundings they had.  All make you stop dead in your tracks. Photos of people like Geronimo in his elder years.  Mothers with newborns, kids, families...incredible.

Judith Hayner joined me to talk about the final few weeks and when's the best time to visit.  We also talked about the 13,000 plus that this exhibit has brought to Muskegon from all over the world to see.  I knew going in that this would be a world wide draw, and they are still coming.  This is definitely Positively Muskegon.  Take a listen.

The tourism draw and the financial impact are great, but there is so much more here.  The impact this exhibit will have on your heart and mind is overwhelming.  It's a must see.  I can't encourage you strongly enough to make the time to get there to see this before it's gone.  You'll be a richer person for the experience and if you bring your kids, you'll be exposing them to a piece of history that in my opinion is becoming forgotten in a hurry.  It's a piece of history we can't forget either.  Click on the image below for a link to the Muskegon Museum of Art.  Thanks to Judith Hayner for this incredible exhibit and for her time for a recap as the event draws near to the end.

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