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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Food for Life - Evangelist Tracy Dillon Discusses Sunday Dinner at Kingdom Embassy Covenant Church


Meet Tracy Dillon.  Tracy reached out to us to tell us about her work in helping those in need in and around Muskegon when it comes to food insecurity.  We are an amazing community who knows the value of what it means to "circle the wagons" and take care of one another.  We're so good at it in fact, it's the reason we launched all that we do with this site, and all of the people who believe they are called to do more.  People who are not looking for a lot of credit, just a way that they can know that they are giving back to their fellow man with the best they have.

Food 4 Life came about when Tracy noticed that our abundance of relief organizations were not regularly serving on a Sunday and that with the food drives we have around town, there may be a gap in what people can do with the food they are given if it's raw.  This is starting to dip down in to the idea that the homeless issue here is growing and while it might seem that needs are being met, it's pretty difficult to cook if you are living in a tent in the woods somewhere with a family.  Food 4 Life is designed to not only fill the gap on Sunday, but bring people into a little deeper understanding of what's "out there" and how they can best utilize it. 

"My Grandma used to say".....there really can't be 5 more words of wisdom that come from anyone.  In the case of Tracy, her grandma used to say "give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime."  With the meal that comes at Kingdom Embassy Church in Roosevelt Park, comes a supply of personal hygiene items, a Bible to help them understand the giving beyond the food and supplies and the examples set forth within.  They offer pick up service at both the men's and women's shelters on Peck and Laketon Streets at 1p on Sunday and the service and meal begin at 1:30.  3p things are wrapped up, no one is hungry, no one feels alone and we've found yet another way to protect our most vulnerable in our community while they are in a time of need. 

Tracy works over night.  Tracy also stayed up until we could meet up at the Hackley Library to film.  Tracy isn't a superhuman, multi-millionaire or philanthropic giant.  She's out to do as it was taught.  "Love one another as I have loved you."  She's putting her faith into practice and turning love into action.  This is a miracle happening right here.  This is how simple it is to make life a little easier for someone, once a day.  I love finding stories like this as really, that was all I ever set out to do when I decided that I was going to have a career in broadcasting.  To remember that somebody out there, somewhere, needed that moment of respite.  I was given the opportunity to do what I wanted to do for work instead of what I HAD to do for work.  Tracy, takes it one step further.  Let's all try to be a little more like Tracy.  

You can find Food 4 Life happening at Kingdom Embassy Covenant Church in Roosevelt Park  located at 3025 Glenside Blvd.  If you need transportation, call 231-220-7797.  If you would like to contact the church itself and see if you can be of assistance, I am sure they would love to hear from you.  231-747-6862