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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Blood Drive December 30th at St. Paul's in Downtown Muskegon


We're always up for helping out at a blood drive!  It's been a while since we just got back to the very basics of who we are and what we work toward with all of our publishing's.  If you remember back a few years, back to about 2015 when this blog started all that we do now, we sought out those who find a way to make a difference in some way or another with what they have to give, no matter how big or small and how their work helps build our community.

It still reigns true.  Sure, we have grown into a lot more than that initial spark, and ya....we sure have had a lot more to cover than who did something selfless to make a difference, but at the end of the day, ALL of our work is centered on those who help build, grow and make Muskegon home.  We are proud to stick to those values.

Very early on Carla Neading was one of the folks who was bold enough to face the GoPro and talk about her blood drive that's held right around the holidays.  She's a healthcare worker and for years, she's been organizing a blood drive at the time of the year when it's needed most, the holiday's.  It's a critical time for the blood supply every year.  Over the last couple years it's really been a push with all of the pandemic stuff going on and the supply has reached dangerously low levels.  With the shutdowns, the surges and the never ending unknown, even today, blood drives are getting the plug pulled for a multitude of reasons.  If you can find one, and you are a regular blood donor, please, pitch in and do your part.  Not sure of where one is?  Well, good news!

December 30th at St. Paul's Church on 3rd Street in Downtown Muskegon, Carla has organized a blood drive from 12p-5:45.  All of the safety precautions are in place for an event like this.  Distancing, masks, disinfectants etc are plentiful and of course, if you're not feeling well, you are asked to refrain from coming.  If you are feeling good though, get down there and roll up your sleeve.  Carla does this annual drive for a family member who's needed the gift of life through a transfusion and her drive to make sure that only last year was missed.  We pulled Carla away from the family cookie baking to learn a little more.  Take a listen. 

It's a necessity that takes all of us to make happen.  The gift giving season is upon us.  Imagine the gift of life to someone who needs nothing more than what you can help them with for free?  Be it a patient in need of surgery, an auto accident or whatever the reason, we are unique to all species on the planet in our ability to help heal our own with our donation of blood, or an organ or all of our organs upon our passing.  It takes about a half an hour and you can find all the info needed pictured below to schedule a time if need be. 

Remarkably thankful to Carla for her efforts and giving us a chance to celebrate her commitment to all of us by organizing such an event in such a busy time of the year.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all from us here at Positively Muskegon.