But...let's take a peek here and you'll see it's SO much more than canned goods.
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Click Here for the 100,000 Canned food Drive Event |
With all of this amazing good happening in and around Lisa, she founded the Golden Key 501c3 to really put things in to motion. Her long term goal is to make Golden Key Camp a reality for kids, and she says in our interview she's really hoping to get it done in our area. It's a long road she's travelling to get there, but with some exposure like a World Record attempt and the good karma that comes along with making sure that while you're working to achieve one goal...you're helping others along the way, the "snowball" effect of good happening will take hold quick and the miracle will unfold quickly.
The idea being, November 21st or before, gather up some canned goods for the food pantries and the World Record attempt and while you're at it, bring along a buck or two to help her work her way toward the dream of making this camp happen for kids. As we talk in out interview....when you start these kind of projects, you never really know which way the road might take you, but in Lisa's case the road keeps helping her find another way to help someone, in someway that she never really planned on. It's a pretty amazing story with a few moving pieces. Take a listen.
Pretty remarkable and if you've followed me, or this blog for any amount of time, you know that I am always all about a tragedy becoming a triumph and we've seen that kind of thing happen more than once around here in Muskegon. It's always an honor to be a part of and it's always so incredible to learn the stories of those who want to make our world a better place even if it's one can and one dollar at a time. CLICK HERE if you'd like to email Lisa to help her project. You can learn more about the Golden Key Camp if you click below and by all means, PLEASE...be a part of the World Record attempt on November 21st in Muskegon.