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Rynberg's Car Company
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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Shattering the Myths About Drugs Impacting Muskegon County - A Web Program

We are in an epidemic in Muskegon County and in the nation.  The opioid crisis is real and it's ripping through our community and this nation like wild fire.  We are also in a time of great change when it comes to marijuana and what it is and how it effects people.  I think we can all agree that the opiate problem is one of the most fearsome things we have ever seen.

I honestly hope that we can agree no matter the stance on marijuana medical use or recreational, keeping it out of the hands of kids and teens is in all of our best interest.  Young minds need to develop minus the effects of intoxicating substances.
Face The Book Muskegon

In an effort to help shine a light on the reality of today's impact of drugs on Muskegon County, DJ Hilson along with The Health Project of Mercy Health are presenting a program online Tuesday October 3rd from 13:30-1:15 called "Shattering the Myths".  It's going to be a straightforward discussion about the use and abuse of substances that are in front of our young people every day.  We all like to think that "not my kid" is applicable, but it doesn't take much to begin to slide.  Participants will hear from a young man who found a leftover Norco in his grandmothers medicine cabinet and used it to treat a pulled muscle, which in turn led him to a heroin addiction.  They will also hear from a young woman who was abusing THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the effective ingredient in marijuana and can be manipulated to be much stronger than what's traditionally accepted as "pot".  Both speakers are in their 20's and the hope is that their stories are more relate-able to the high school audience by the shorter age gap.  

In years past, this talk has been presented by going school to school but with advancements in technology, the hope is that all schools can come together for the time to hear the message at once and with the impact of the group, some more discussion can come about about the dangers faced, the reality's of what our kids are up against and how quickly what seems harmless at first can spiral into a serious problem.  I have told my story about alcohol at a young age time and time again, and in our interview today, I guess maybe even I come to grips with the fact that I might be getting a little too "old" to connect with younger people.  I will honestly say, that I am very glad there are folks in their 20's who can pick up the message, although I don't plan on quitting anytime soon.

DJ Hilson and Richa Phoulsen joined me for a little more on the subject at DJ's office, take a listen.

The discussion is this Tuesday once again, and as mentioned in the interview, you can see it on Facebook Live.  You'll find it linked below, just click on the image to go to the page at 12:30 Tuesday to join in on the discussion.  It's important information and protecting our kids is why it's being presented.  Our thanks to The Health Project for their sponsorship of the Positively Muskegon blog and a special thanks to DJ Hilson for his work in protecting young people from the dangers of addiction.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Annie Jr. At the Frauenthal Theater October 14th and 15th With the Muskegon Civic Theater's Penguin Project

We all want to see everyone excel, we all hope to live in a world where barriers are gone and everyone can participate, but some things are pretty complicated and require years of training and devotion, like acting...and some might stop and say, well, that might not be for everyone.  Well, stop right there.  There are a group of young people that are going to prove that wrong quick fast and in a hurry right here in Muskegon!

The idea came about a year or two ago locally.  It sprang from an idea back in 2004 kids with disabilities, be they developmental or physical, are cast in a modified version of a Broadway musical and paired with a peer mentor and they work side by side for 4 months in preparation and rehearsals all the way through the performance.  To quote the Penguin Project's website - "The program provides a supportive environment for children with disabilities to explore their creative talents.  It has also demonstrated that participation in the performing arts has therapeutic value by enhancing social interaction, communication skills, self confidence and self esteem. 

The Cast and Crew of Annie Jr.
Muskegon is the first spot in the state to put on a Penguin Project production, and Annie Jr. is the musical of choice.  Rehearsals have been going on at the home of No More Sidelines, the Folkert Community Hub for the last few months.  I am not stranger to the kids at the Hub or the families there, so I dropped in to watch a rehearsal before we taped the segment you're about to see and I have to level with ya, I was immediately taken back with everything I saw.  On the faces of the parents, ear to ear smiles....radiant pride and genuine appreciation for what they have seen come out of their kids.  On the faces of the mentors, a new appreciation for teamwork, art and their craft...the director, the choreographer, the people watching from across the room... every one of them...amazed and astounded by this group of young people and what this project has brought out of all of them.  I grabbed a little footage of the practice and will overlay it in the video you'll see here in a few.

Here's the thing, this production need the support of the community.  Tickets for the 2 performances are $10 bucks each and there is yet to be one single word anywhere about how awesome these productions are to see.  Not only that, but, you'll get to witness first hand how truly remarkable it is when people come together despite some "differences" to work toward a common goal and find out along the way, that the similarities are greater than what they thought the differences were.

I was joined by Heidi Sunderhaft-Christiansen, Kim Harsch, Seth Witham and Kyle Sweetwood to talk about this entire project, take a listen.

If ever there was a reason to get out and support the arts, this is is.  The play is compacted down to about an hour and the tickets are only $10 bucks.  As mentioned in the interview too, there is still room for some sponsorship for this great event and you can learn more by calling 231-722-3852.  Please show these kids your support for their hard work and bringing our community together a little closer.  If you'd like tickets, order them in advance by clicking on the show poster below.

Tickets for Saturday October 14th

Tickets for Sunday October 15th

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Meet A YAC in Muskegon - Wait What is a YAC? Find Out On Positively Muskegon

You hear YAC and the first thing that might come to mind if a hairy beast of burden that may emanate an odor or two and the thought of one being in and around Muskegon...well, might cause a call of complaint to a city council or two.  But fear not...in our case, a YAC is something to be proud of and you get to meet one today.

Yes, YAC is an acronym.  It's The Youth Advisory Council and it's an extension of the Community Foundation of Muskegon County.  There is an appointed member from every school district in Muskegon County and they meet monthly as a team to discuss how they can help grant $60,000 in funds to help youth serving organizations and projects and causes.  These are a group of young people who are very active in their schools as well as their communities and their work goes past just trying to decide where the funding goes.  The plan and pull off community service projects, they visit the organizations that are applying for funding and they get to know the nuts and bolts of how they work.  They are working at a young age at leadership skills and team building.

Community Foundation of Muskegon County
This all started back in 1989, the WK Kellogg Foundation challenged Michigan community foundations to find a way to help youth give...offering to match funds if the community foundation could raise enough money to create an unrestricted youth fund and Muskgon's Community Foundation jumped at the chance.

Since then, over $1,000,000.00 has been distributed to Muskegon area youth organizations and over $33 million across the state!  Not bad for a bunch of kids huh?

I was able to sit down with Nirel Patel, who's a junior at Mona Shores High School to learn about his role within the group and how they work together to get the job done.  He's got high hopes of one day being a physician here in Muskegon and taking what he's learned here and giving back... take a listen to our chat below

Amazing to thing that for every kid we hear that's fallen off the rails, or joined some gang that there are those young people out there that are community minded...want to better their surroundings and make a difference at a young age so that we can all continue to flourish.  My many thanks to Nirel for taking a few minutes to "YAC" it up with me about the Community Foundation's YAC program.   

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Habitat for Humanity Home Follow Up - Progress on Adam and Stephanie Home in Muskegon

We started back in the Spring.  We introduced you to Adam Bayne and Stephanie Anderson who were looking to make their situation a little better and through the work of Habitat for Humanity, their dream is coming true.  Well, since our last visit, a lot of work has gone on so we figured we'd pop in again to catch you up on where the progress is...and it's pretty exciting.

As you may recall, Habitat for Humanity is a program that is here in Muskegon but also operates nationally and globally to help people establish themselves as home owners and while they do that, they are given the tools it takes to make home ownership a success.  It's not a "free house" by any stretch of the imagination.  There are hours of sweat equity that go in to every single home.  Work, financial literacy classes, home ownership counselling, and some income requirements all factor in to the project.  The end goal is simple.  Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.  It's a pretty remarkable mission.

Find Muskegon Habitat for Humanity on Facebook

Adam and Stephanie have put the time in, they continue to do so as the work goes on at their house on Grand Street in Muskegon.  Their current residence is a little outdated and their growing family is in need of a little bigger space and new start.  I will say that I have known them for a while, and to have watched their journey has been a remarkable thing.  To see the joy continue to build and the anticipation grow...well, this Spring can't get here soon enough to see the completed home and the joy of them moving in.

For now, we met up to take a glance at the construction progress and give you a quick update, take a listen...over the generator and pounding...you'll hear too... great things are happening in Muskegon for Adam and Stephanie.

I am so happy for this couple.  As you've seen, the house is going up so are the lives of Adam, Stephanie and their daughter Jaimi who just happened to be busy with pre-school at the time we recorded.  Amazing things are happening in Muskegon, amazing things happening for good people and that makes me feel very good about our future.  If you'd like to know more about Habitat for Humanity in Muskegon, click on the photo below for more information.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Ignite Your Passion For God Saturday September 23rd at the Frauenthal Center - Eddie Sanders Jr Reports

We'd like to introduce you to a group called the Muskegon Methodist Men's Ministry.  It's comprised of members from 18 Methodist churches in the Muskegon area and was founded in 2013.  They gather monthly for some fellowship as well as a spiritual message and on average, they have about 50 men come for the hour and a half service.   A couple of years ago, they decided that community outreach should be a key part of their focus and so it began.

In the first year, they took on "The Angel Tree Project" which was a prison outreach ministry to provide Christmas gifts to kids who have an incarcerated parent.  The program has continued to grow since.  In the summer months, they help the youth from their churches out with great activities like Muskegon Risers soccer games and who can pass up the fun of some Whitecaps baseball?  It's a great thing to see guys committed to making a difference where they can and being part of lives like those in prison or just showing young people that there is more to faith and community than just a Sunday morning service.
Learn More About the Muskegon Methodist Men's Minisrty on Facebook

The current focus is the question of "How do we build more excitement and community among Christian men?"  Well, the steering committee decided to establish a special "Men's Day" program and it's happening Saturday September 23rd at the Frauenthal Center in Muskegon from 8a-12:30p.  The theme for the day is "Ignite Your Passion for God" and there will be some awe inspiring speakers on hand to help lend their stories to the day.

Reverend Jeff Bowman of the Temple United Methodist Church will speak on diversity, Reverend Dr. H Michael Lemmon of the AME Church 4th Episcopal District will speak on passion and retired Major Brian Shul USAF who piloted the SR-71 Blackbird will share his life, and near death story.  If you're not familiar with just what an SR-71 Blackbird is, it's a mach 3+ recon aircraft ....it was flown from 1964-1998.  Among airplanes....it's a legend.

Eddie Sanders Jr. sat down with Brad Hilleray who's a member of the Muskegon Methodist Men's Ministry to learn a little more about the event, it's free to attend and all are welcome so take a listen.

A day of inspiration and motivation!  If you're in the market for a little of either, the doors are open.  If you would like to hear the message of three great speakers or maybe just the tale of a guy who took one of the worlds fastest planes to the brink and almost lost it all, only to find a new purpose after that's here too.  You can click on the link below to learn more about the event, you can click on the photo of Major Shul below to go to the event page.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Mission For Area People Celebrates it's 50th Anniversary in Muskegon October 5th

50 years is a milestone in any endeavor.  It's half a century and in human terms, it's generally more than half a life time.  In the world of community service however, 50 years is really something to be proud of and in as much as Mission for Area People keeps it's surroundings humble, opting to put the resources back into the people they serve before they add luxuries to the office...it's time to celebrate 5 decades of making Muskegon a better place for all those in need.

Get tickets to the MAP 50th Anniversary Celebration
From humble beginnings, Mission for Area People has grown into a widely encompassing organization helping those in need in a multitude of ways.  It might be the healthy choice food pantry for people who might need a bridge to get by, or maybe it's the supper house where hungry people can come and enjoy a meal and some fellowship...back to school programs, clothing pantries, emergency medical or dental funds, assistance with rental payment emergencies....the list goes on an on and quite sadly, the need continues to grow.

Mission for Area People relies on it's board of directors of course, but the heart and soul of this organization lies in those who help make the day to day operations happen.  The might be called the "boots on the ground" in today's terms.  Those who donate time, clothing, pantry items and help cook the nightly meal.  Those who work in the office and go out into the community to fund raise and most of all, those who have at one time or another received a hand from Mission for Area People and now, they work to return the favor as they understand what it's like to live in the fear of uncertainty.  It's a scary thing.

Dianna Wright-Stubbs is the Executive Director of MAP and we were able to sit down and catch up for a few minutes to talk about the first 50 years, the next 50 years and what's entailed in the 50 year anniversary celebration coming up October 5th at the Muskegon Country Club.  Take a listen to our talk below!

It's one of those most special places we have in Muskegon.  One of the places that will not quit and won't let anyone slip through the cracks.  The needs are great but the fight within all of the people in and around Mission for Area People is stronger.  As the first 50 years comes to a close, we look forward to the next 50 and hop that if you attend the celebration or maybe you just learned a little more about MAP by this article, you'll see the work being done is real and the people taking care of people is what makes Muskegon such an incredible place.  To visit the Mission for Area People Website, click on their logo below.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Full Fall of Activities at the Lakeshore Museum Center in Muskegon

In Muskegon, we're fortunate in the fact that the Lakeshore Museum Center is spread out into several different and very interesting locations.  There is the Lakeshore Museum Center on Clay, The Hackley and Hume Homes Downtown, The Fire barn, The Scolnik House and of course the Michigan's Heritage Park up in Whitehall.  The thing is, with so many locations keeping track of all the goings on might be a little difficult.

This Fall is full of things to do and we've got them all lined up here for you today!

September 15th is Family Fun Night at the Lakeshore Museum Center on Clay Avenue.  From 5:30-7:30 bring everyone out for a special visit from the Blanford Nature Center who will be bringing some live animals for a meet and greet.  Also, outside the museum there will be the Safari Club International's Michigan Chapter setting up their Sensory Safari.  You'll find wildlife themed stations throughout the museum, a chance to get hands on with skulls and furs..animal track art and more!  It's fun for everyone.  September 21st The Hackley and Hume Homes All Access Tour!  Want to see the basement and attic?  Wonder what's in the closet?  Wanna know what the view from the balcony is like or maybe look under the bed?  These homes are 120 year old and not everyone gets to see all of the in's and out's on the regular visit.  This is a pretty special tour and getting tickets in advance is probably a good idea for the event.
Lumber Barons' Ball 2017

September 23rd.... it's the big one.  The Lakeshore Museum Center hosts one big fund raiser yearly and it's the Lumber Barons' Ball!  Held at the Hackley Administration Building this gala affair is the must attend event for the community to support our wonderful museum.  This year along with the gala, you'll find lots of experiential opportunities to bid on.

I got together with Joni Dorsett at the Lakeshore Museum Center to talk about all of it, take a listen to our chat below.

We're very lucky to have such a multifaceted and diverse museum here in town.  The programming is appealing to all ages and the settings are fabulous.  If you're out for a tour or maybe a Halloween haunt, or maybe you'd just like to support a vital part of the community.  Plan a day to spend at the Lakeshore Museum Center soon.  Their Website is linked below!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Chase Boucher Needs a Hand - and 4 Paws

This one is going directly at your heart strings.  No if's and's or but's about it.  :)

We've been very proud to help further the cause of Muskegon Guns and Hoses over the years, a group of area police and fire fighters who have formed a non profit that usually centers around an annual benefit hockey game where some needs are met and families are taken care of, but this year they have decided that the work can be extended.

Chase and Bella
One of the beneficiaries of the game last year was a little feller named Chase Boucher.  Chase has a genetic disorder called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy.   The short and quick of the disease is this.  In boys, it stunts growth, and it also attacks muscles.  As Chase grows, his muscles won't and right now, he's at the stage where all the common stuff to a 7 year old boy is pretty hard for him to do.  Run, play, kid stuff....it's all getting harder.  The long term prognosis isn't favorable and hopefully before too long, they'll find a cure.  For now though, Chase couldn't have found a better group of people to take him in and be his advocates.  He's been crowned a fire fighter and I have found out that there isn't a much tighter wound brotherhood/sisterhood than fire fighters.

Here's where they need a hand.  Chase is just seeing the early signs of what this disease will be.  He's going to need the help of a service dog and she's already in the "get to know you" phase with Chase.  Her name is Bella and she's coming from Lowell.  She will not only be a part of Chase's life as things become more difficult for him physically, she's going to be there as emotional support for him as some of the "normals" in life pass him by.  This is truly an needed support dog, and truly a little boy who needs a community to surround him.

Bow donated by Matthews
There have been a variety of fundraisers already.  There have been spaghetti dinners, Go Fund Me pages.  Fire department people gave up some days off to fence in the back yard of Chase's family so Bella can get out when she comes home in October.  Of course too, there was the money raised by the Guns and Hoses game last year, but... a little more is needed and they have a chance for you to win a pretty cool prize if you so choose to enter for it.  Mathews Archery has donated a Creed Bow valued at $1000 and raffle tickets for it are available for it.

You can even get them online or, if you'd just like to donate, we'll link the PayPal address below.
If you'd like to be entered for the bow just make sure you put raffle tickets and your phone number in the comments of your PayPal form.  Simple as that.

I was joined by Lacey Koens and the rock star himself, Chase Boucher to talk a little more about what's all going on here and give you a little more information about the disease and how you can help, take a listen.

As a grandparent, the thought of a scraped knee scares me to death.  I can't imagine the thought of a kid like this who's got a progressive disease and how it's going to limit him in his life and the challenges he and his family will face.  I do know this though..  He's in the best town on earth to be looked after.  Something I have never done on this blog is share a message I got from a guest, but I want you to read something from Lacey and I think it's pretty reflective of the fire fighters she serves with - "For us, Chase is more than charity - he's family our little brother, and we are with him until the wheels fall off"  Imagine what kind of world we would have if we all looked out for someone like that.

If you'd like to get in on the raffle for the bow, or make a donation, you'll find the email linked below.  Ask around work, take up a collection, cash in the change jar....Muskegon.... I am asking please.... let's do this for this kid and these amazing first responders that have taken him in as one of them.

Click here for the Email to Paypal Your Donation

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The United Way Day of Caring - A Recap

It was a huge day of work getting done in Muskegon as the United Way Day of Caring got underway Friday September 7th.  Operations were based at the USS LST 393 and companies from all over the area lent employees to the cause to help with projects all across town, this year specifically targeted at veterans who could use a hand.

We did a pretty big story not long ago about the work that was coming up, so we'll keep this one short and sweet and let the video of the recap do most of the talking.  I can tell you this though, they had an over abundance of volunteers.  There were hundreds of people from dozens of work places.  Their efforts were on everything from yard clean up's to fence building.  Friendships were made and community was built, all by friends and neighbors being willing to go the extra mile to show that Muskegon is a community that takes care of each other.

I was joined by Christine Robere of the United Way and John Severson of the MAISD, then with Jason Ryan from State Farm Insurance and Rich Houtteman from Consumers Energy and my final guest is Erin Nemastil from ADAC Automotive who picked up the team spirit award this year for their efforts at the Day of Caring.  Take a listen.

That's how it works.  Community building.  Good people willing to lend some time and talent to make their world a little better place.  The United Way of the Lakeshore is at the point but it's the companies and the individuals that make the Day of Caring such a special event year in and year out in Muskegon.  A hats off to all involved!  

Thursday, September 7, 2017

9/11 Tribute and Memorial Service Coming Up Monday at the LST 393 in Muskegon

It's a day no one who lived through it will ever forget.  An everlasting impression was left on the minds of the world on September 11th 2001 when the World Trade Center was hit by the planes and terrorism made it's way to American shores like never before.  I was in the now long gone radio studios over by the Getty 4 and walked past my office and glanced at the TV to see a tall building on fire.  That was the first fleeting thought.

9/11 Tribute Ride on Facebook

By the end of the day, I was so completely shell shocked by the overwhelming violence and non stop news coverage that even when I tried to cut away from it, I actually turned on Animal Planet to watch some nature shows, I stumbled on a lion going after a zebra...and I even had to turn that off.  I never imagined the size and the scope of a tragedy like that and I didn't imagine either how far it would push all of us here in Muskegon as broadcasters.  It was all hands on deck for weeks waiting for news, network feeds, updates and when that wasn't fast enough, there were times we just held a mic up to the TV to relay the info.  It was truly unprecedented times in my radio career.

As time has gone on, and our society has drifted back away from the resolve and unity we all felt on September 12th 2001, the need to remember has not changed.  We can never forget those who were lost, those who did this to us and those who so very heroically went in to the buildings while everyone else was going out.  We need to remember those too who have been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect us and go after those who attacked us.  September 11th is now Patriots Day and the observance this year stretches from Grand Haven to Muskegon this coming Monday.

The ride leaves from American Legion Post 28 at 10:30 and arrives at the Mart Dock and the historic LST 393 at 11:30 with a memorial and observance to follow.  The program concludes at 1:30 Monday afternoon.  This event is open to the public and there is no charge to be a part of the service.  If you are a rider, there will be a couple of stops along the way where you can join the group or you can begin in Grand Haven at the American Legion.  This will be a solemn remembrance and it's also a great way to promote a little community togetherness between all of our Lakeshore communities.

Ike Villapando has been pivotal in organizing this, you may remember, we talked to him early this Spring about the event, and as hard as it is to believe that Summer came and went, he's back to talk about this Monday's service.   Take a listen.

We won't forget, and we can't forget.  We also should do a much better job of letting go of our petty differences and realizing that one America is more important than the "me me me" mentality we see played out so very often now a days.  It's an awful thing that we have to look back to a tragedy with the magnitude of 9/11 to realize that what we have here is a pretty precious thing and that we need to remember those we lost, those who continue to serve and those on the future generations who will hopefully keep this from happening again.  

Learn More About the Legion Riders


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Go Red For Women in Muskegon October 26th at Fricano's Event Center

It's one of those things you tend to keep on the back burner until it hits close to home.  I guess that's the human way, but for us heart disease hit pretty close to home when our dear friend Mary Ferrier got to the point of needing a heart transplant.  Once something like that is on your radar...it's there for good.  Mary continues her remarkable fight and the work of the American Heart Association and the Go Red For Women Campaign continues for all women.

Some quick facts.  Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths in women every year.  That's more than all cancers combined according to the American Heart Association website.  Men and women can have different symptoms when it comes to a heart problem.  Men feel chest pain, and women might feel jaw pain.  They can also find out they have heart disease by shortness of breath, back pain and extreme sweating.  Go Red For Women is in the battle to help women of all ages and ethnicities with gender focused medical research and a tight community of "like minded champions" who are all together against heart disease in women.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel here however, 80% of cardiac events can be prevented with education and lifestyle changes.

American Heart Assoc Online
It's in the thought of education and lifestyle changes that Go Red For Women is hosting it's event in Muskegon October 26th at Fricano's!  This years theme is Go Red Get Fit and you're encouraged to wear your favorite work out clothes to add to the atmosphere!  Sure, business casual is fine too, but if you're rockin' the leg warmers and leotards, you'll look fabulous!  There will be a survivor gallery, a silent auction, a little pampering here and there and a lot of information for you to take along with you in the hopes that you're not the next who has to deal with the diagnosis.

Let's go back to that survivor gallery a minute.  It's currently on tour around Muskegon.  It's making stops all over the area at health related places so you can see first hand in advance some of the stories of the remarkable women who found out they had heart disease and have gone on to champion the cause!  Courtney Failer of the American Heart Association and Brooke Kieft-Anderson of Nichols Paper and Supply of Muskegon joined me to talk about the survivor tour and the event.  Take a listen!

Hey, what can a little education sprinkled into a great time hurt anyone?  I think of the incredible women in my life...and let me tell you... there are an abundance of them... the mom, the wife, sister, daughter and granddaughters.... I couldn't imagine losing one to something that could have been helped with a little knowledge and care.  Make sure you stop and visit the survivor gallery on tour around Muskegon.  You'll find the dates below, and if you'd like to be a part of the event at Fricano's, click on the event banner and get yourself in on it!

The Tour

The Event

Padnos Shoreline Recycling Scrap Metal Drive September 9th at Lakeshore Sports Center

It's a great time to clean up!  We're heading in to fall and that means it's a good time to clena up the garage, because you'll want to park in there. once the snow comes.  It's also a time to maybe gut out the shed, clean out the pole barn and root around in the basement to see what can go.  If it's metal...this is the weekend too because Padnos Shoreline Recycling is hosting a scrap drive to benefit youth athletics at the Lakeshore Sports Center this Saturday September 9th.

Follow Shoreline Recycling on Facebook

Padnos Shoreline Recycling is a partner of both Positively Muskegon and the Muskegon Channel.  They believe firmly in being a great steward of the community and they offer top dollar for your scrap.  This time around they are helping out the Grand Haven and Spring Lake Co-Op hockey team!  As any hockey parent knows, hockey is an expensive sport for kids to play and not only does the equipment and time commitment get expensive, the teams have to rent ice time for practice.  The GH and SL teams do have some rivalries in Muskegon like Mona Shores and Reeths-Puffer, but they have also spent a lot of time playing together in mixed travel teams.  Hockey at the high school level is one tough sport and the road to even that level is a tough one!

With that being said, let's get down to action.  You'd like to get rid of a bunch of junk.  We got that much.  You'd also like all that junk to be recycled and the proceeds to go to a greater good....ok, the ball is rolling!  Load up the truck, trailer, or trunk....all three if you have to and haul it to Lakeshore Sports Center on Airline Road in Muskegon Saturday September 9th from 9am-6pm.  They will have large bins on site to collect what you have.  Old bikes?  Appliances?  Scrap auto parts?  Pretty much anything metal they want.  In turn Padnos will take the scrap and turn it into cash to help the program and the kids and parents who play hockey.  How easy is that?  They do ask that you don't bring things that are dangerous.  Please, stay away from anything that could be explosive or corrosive.  Think of gas cans, propane cylinders, paint cans etc.  Other than that...here's your chance to unload it and pay it forward to a great cause.

Tim Beers is doing double duty today.  Not only is he with Padnos, he's a hockey parent, have a listen to our chat from this morning and learn a little more!

It's as simple as that!  Clean it up before old man winter gets here and help out some pretty awesome kids in their quest to be hockey's next hall of famer.  If not that, maybe at least staying fit and healthy while chasing an education and giving parents a little wiggle room when it comes to supporting their student athletes.  Our many thanks to Padnos for their belief in all of the Lakeshore communities and our blog and the Muskegon Channel.  Saturday September 9th.....clean it up and drop off your metal at Lakeshore Sports Center.

Visit Padnos Shoreline Recycling Online

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Roosevelt Park Day - Taste of The Trucks September 9th in Roosevelt Park

As you may or may not know, I am the Mayor Pro-Tem in Roosevelt Park.  What is Pro-Tem?  Well, it means is the Mayor is on vacation, I get to run the meeting and they hand me the gavel to bang if necessary.  I think they hand me one with safe rubber sides on it....but none the less...  I asked to be on the City Council a couple of years ago when there was a vacancy and was re-elected in 2016.  It's been a very interesting first step into politics for me.

Why did I want to try it?  Well, simply to do what I could to maintain the property values and the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere Roosevelt Park offers.  I love the fact that we've got nice neighborhoods, our own police, beautiful parks, safe sidewalks and for the most part... a quiet and peaceful area to call home.  Like anything, when you're part of a group, you take on areas where you think your talents can help and I have been part of an event or two over the years, so to be on the Roosevelt Park Day Committee seemed like a good fit.  Missi Klos and Kevin Wisnewski along with Jared Olson and Sarah Peterson and Amy Vanderleest not to mention the DPW guys and police, round out the group and this year RP Day has a little different feel to it.

We've watched events grow all over Muskegon, we've watched a few fold too.  As Roosevelt Park Day has seen some new, highly successful events come in close to the traditional 3rd Saturday of August, I suggested that maybe a weekend that wasn't occupied by one of the "big ones" might be worth a try and since we have this beautiful park, with green grass and a nice pavilion, why don't we move it off Broadway and over to the centrally located park.  Some discussion was had, but in the end...we thought we'd give it a shot, and maybe put a new twist on it.  There is also the Dan White Scholarship 5k Fun Run/Walk in the Morning!  We need a few more participants for this, you'll find a registration link to the right!  After the run...one of the biggest parades in all the area!

Register for the Dan White 5K
People seem to enjoy food trucks, so we began back in March hunting high and low for trucks and vendors that might come see us.  Started in Detroit and worked the circuit.  We also wanted to keep the favorites people have come to love... kids activities from Kangaroo Palace... ALL FREE THIS YEAR, great music by the Mona Shores Strings first then Yard Sale Underwear to rock the afternoon away, arts and crafts, vendor booths and new this year, 4-H will have a mini petting zoo on hand for kids to get in touch with some live animals.  We'll have a beverage tent with Budweiser products and there will be plenty of food and sweet treats as well.

Jared and I sat down in the City Council Chambers to talk about the events and the trucks and vendors you'll find.

From the 5k to the kick off pancake breakfast, the music food and fun,  Roosevelt Park Day is our way of inviting all the rest of Muskegon out for a day of fun.  We won't say no to folks from anywhere else either.  If the kids want to come enjoy the activities and animals, won't cost you a penny and if you'd like to come catch up with some friends, enjoy a cold one, some great food and awesome music...we'll see ya there!  If you'd still like to bring a food truck or maybe a craft booth....use the link below to visit the city's page and get your self a registration quick!!  We'll see you Saturday in Roosevelt Park.